hotch'd, jerked.
houghmagandie, fornication.
houlet, v. howlet.
houpe, hope.
hove, swell.
howdie, howdy, a midwife.
howe, hollow.
howk, to dig.
howlet, the owl.
hoyse, a hoist.
hoy't, urged (r. b.).
hoyte, to amble crazily (r. b.).
hughoc, dim. of hugh.
hullions, slovens.
hunder, a hundred.
hunkers, hams.
hur, the hedgehog.
hur, ur.
hurdies, the loins, the crupper (r. b.) (i. e., the buttocks).
hurl, to trundle.
hushion, a footless stog.
hyte, furious.
i', in.
icker, an ear of .
ier-oe, a great-grandchild.
ilk, ilka, each, every.
ill o't, bad at it.
ill-taen, ill-taken.
ill-thief. the devil.
ill-willie, ill-natured, niggardly.
iin, iuring.
ingine, genius, iy; wit.
ihe fire, the fireside.
ingle-cheek, fireside (properly the jamb of the fireplace).
ingle-lowe, ingle-low, flame of the fire.
i'se, i shall, or will.
itsel', itself.
ither, other, another.
jad, a jade.
janwar, january.
jauk, to trifle, to dally.
jauner, gabber.
jauntie, dim. of jaunt.
jaup, splash.
jaw, talk, impudence.
jaw, to throw, to dash.
jeeg, to jog.
jillet, a jilt.
jimp, small, slender.
jimply, ly.
jimps, stays.
jink, the slip.
jink, to frisk, to sport, to dodge.
jinker, dodger (coquette); a jinker noble; a noble goer.
jirki, bodice.
jirt, a jerk.
jiz, a wig.
jo, a sweetheart.
jocteleg, a clasp-knife.
jouk, to duck, to cover, to dodge.
jow, to jow, a verb whicluded both the swinging motion and
ound of a large bell (r. b.).
jumpet, jumpit, jumped.
juo jostle.
jurr, a servant wench.
kae, a jackdaw.
kail, kale, the colewort; cabbage; scots' broth.
kail-blade, the leaf of the colewort.
kail-gullie, a cabbage knife.
kail-runt, the stem of the colewort.
kail-whittle, a cabbage knife.
kail-yard, a kit garden.
kain, kane, rents in kind.
kame, a b.
kebars, rafters.
kebbuck, a cheese; a kebbuck heel = the last crust of a cheese.
keckle, to cackle, to giggle.
keek, look, glance.
keekin-glass, the looking-glass.
keel, red chalk.
kelpies, river demons.
ken, to know.
kenna, know not.
kennin, a very little (merely as much as be perceived).
kep, to catch.
ket, the flee a sheep's body.
key, quay.
kiaugh, ay.
kilt, to tuck up.
kimmer, a wench, a gossip; a wife.
kin', kind.
king's-hood, the 2d stoma a ruminant (equivocal for the s).
kintra, try.
kirk, church.
kirn, a .
kirn, harvest home.
kirsen, to christen.
kist, chest, ter.
kit, to relish.
kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle.
kittle, to tickle.
kittlin, kitten.
kiutlin, cuddling.
knaggie, knobby.
knappin-hammers, hammers for breaking stones.
knowe, knoll.
knurl, knurlin, dwarf.
kye, cows.
kytes, bellies.
kythe, to show.
laddie, dim. of lad.
lade, a load.
lag, backward.
laggen, the bottom angle of a wooden dish.
laigh, low.
laik, lack.
lair, lore, learning.
laird, landowner.
lairing, stig or sinking in moss or mud.
laith, loath.
laithfu', loathful, sheepish.
lallan, lowland.
lallans, scots lowland vernacular.
lammie, dim. of lamb.
lan', land.
lan'-afore, the foremost horse on the unplowed land side.
lan'-ahin, the hindmost horse on the unplowed land side.
lane, lone.
lang, long.
lang syne, long since, long ago.
lap, leapt.
lave, the rest.
laverock, lav'rock, the lark.